C# & unity

  Safer at home  

Collaborated on a game made in unity where the challenge is to survive as long as you can without catching the Coronavirus, while balancing staying at home to avoid other people, with going out to acquire necessary food and health supplies. Scripts for controlling behaviours are written in C#.

Received 2nd Place in Google's HackDSC 2020 Hackathon!


  STAMP Language  

An indent-based scripting language written in Java. Inspired by Python and MIPS Assembly, it provides a hybrid approach to things like variable assignments and loops.

It allows for both procedure & jump based control flow, as well as for & while loops. Also allows for regular variable assignments, along with a simulated stack of registers.

 work in progress

  atari Snake  

A game of snake built into a java applet. Based on the original Atari game, this version has a mode for wrap-around, where instead of ending the game, collisions with walls teleport the snake to the other side of the screen and the game continues.

Supports integration into a website to be used in things like loading screens or lobbies / queues.

  Blockchain api  

A java library that implements a blockchain object.

In addition to their most commonly known use in cryptocurrencies, blockchains can also be useful for any sort of bookkeeping where permanent records are required. Which makes this lightweight API perfect.


A little program that gives all solutions to the n-queens problem with a specified chess board size.

The program was originally written in Java, then ported to python.

  digital clock  

An antique style 7-segment digital clock display on a Java JFrame that displays your local time.

It simulates the logic of encoding each hex digit into binary, and lights up the corresponding "LED"s depending on the position of the booleans in a corresponding bit array. While mainly just a proof of concept alone, it is degisned to be easily integrated into other projects.

 Vue & react


A product management site created with Vue & Go.

Displays a list of current products, as well as data about these products. Includes ability to add, delete, modify and search for products. Provides data such as prices breakdown, total value, and average name length.

Products are stored in a PostgreSQL database accessed by a GoLang REST API.

  Book looker  

A Vue web app that integrates Google's Book API to search for books by title, author or ISBN and display them in an elegant card form.

Also serves as an ISBN utility, allowing verification of an ISBN code as well as random ISBN generator.


A simple bookmark launchpad with other start page utilities.

Holds your bookmarks front and center. Checks if you've committed to GitHub today. Gives you a weather report for your location automatically. Also includes a To-Do list.

All data is saved as browser local storage, meaning no personal data is ever sent anywhere.



A python CLI program that scans every word in a document and lets you lookup words, providing exact & similar matches. Similar words are found using the Levenshtein distance algorithm given a degree of similarity.

Allows for multiple documents to be scanned, and provides source & line number for each word found.



A lightweight CLI written in GoLang to grab content from the web and speed-test websites. Can grab JSON from a web API or HTML code form a given link.

Profiling tool sends a specified number of requests to a website and returns the milliseconds each request took, the size of each one, and statistics such as average speed, largest request, and return codes.


Another lightweight CLI that grabs data from Postgres servers. Main functionality is to see contents of tables in a nicely formatted manner, but also supports limited data modification.

Useful alongside psql CLI which lacks a straightforward way to peek inside tables and modify their contents without sending an SQL command.

 work in progress


  Polish calculator  

A calculator written in C that uses polish notation. Aside from being able to process infinitely long and nested equations recursively, this little utility demonstrates a simplified version of how Lisp programming languages process input.

Allows for standard operations as well as sin, cos, tan, abs, and %.



A unique image generator that takes whatever text you give it and creates a symmetric pixelated icon.

Works by hashing the given string and using its binary to encode a visual representation, then reflecting it vertically, horizontally and diagonally to create the symmetry.

  atari PONG  

An emulation of the atari pong game built in vanilla javascript, complete with an AI opponent. No libraries used and super lightweight.

Everything lives in one canvas, which allows implementation of this in other web apps for things like loading screens or lobbies / queues.

  Fractal Tree visualizer  

Play around with a very basic fractal tree design. Edit the width & recursion depth.

This little app uses the p5.js library to facilitate the displaying of the trees.

  Game of life  

A recreation of Conway's Game of Life in Javascript using the p5.js library. Has options for random fill as well as wraparound. 

Can be easily integrated into any other website. Also can be configured to continue forever to be used as a loading screen.


A starter canvas for any agar.io style game.

Starter game objective is to eat all surrounding blobs. Includes blob launching, a final score and similar game dynamics.

 work in progress